Sunday, 19 August 2012

NEPA Blogs: Two New Movie Blogs

*Ahem* Some local bloggers that I know are very reluctant to join Facebook for a number of excuses reasons.? To this, I say phooey.? One of the way we find a lot of new bloggers in the area is through our Facebook group.? We added four new bloggers to the group this week!? I'm going to group two of these new blogs together in today's post because they have something in common....they are movie blogs!

Grab your barrel of popcorn, add some butter and salt and prepare for you movie review tour of the NEPA Blogosphere.

First up we have...

Rich Drees from Wilkes-Barre brought this blog to our attention.? He's the editor and publisher of FilmBuffOnline.? Similar to NEPA Blogs, this blog has a number of contributors who write posts (John L Gibbon, Michael McGonigle, Jeff Stolarcyk, and Richard Zeszotarski).? The topics include movie reviews, movie history, producer and director info and lots of other goodies that film buff's would enjoy.? A post that grabbed my attention in particular was about the history of movie trailers.?

Next up we have...
Total Popcorn

You may remember back in November 2011 we added a blog called Cinema Cyclops which was written by Bill Thomas.? Cinema Cyclops mysteriously disappeared a while ago, but re-emerged as Total Popcorn.? I love the blog tagline...

"No-frills movie reviews in 500 words or less.? Because you've got places to be, dammit!"

It looks like all of the posts from Cinema Cyclops were retained for the new blog, which is a good thing.? Which brings up a point...if you are listed at NEPA Blogs and decide to change your URL, please let us know about it so that we can update the blog roll accordingly.?

We also would like to extend an invite for you to join our NEPA Bloggers Facebook Group if you haven't already.? You can interact with a bunch of local bloggers and perhaps gain more readers.? Also, don't forget to "Like" us on Facebook --



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