Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Rangmunch.TV - Nakuul Mehta-Love and Relationships

This week we talk to Nakuul Mehta, the handsome hunk who plays Aditya on Star Plus's hit show Pyaar Ka Dard Hai. Lets see what his views on love and relationships are.

RM: What's the best way to ask a girl out n a valentine's day?

Nakuul: I have never asked a girl out on a valentine's day date so have no idea.

RM: Do you think there should be a specific day to celebrate love?

Nakuul: I think you should celebrate love everyday, but having said that,I don't think its overrated . I think it's good you have a day marked for love where you make an extra effort to express your love . I have no issues with days like Valentine day.

A71 nRM:What's your idea of a perfect date?

Nakuul : It's changed with time. In school it was just holding hands, in college the first girl I dated is the one I married .During that time if I could take her out for coffee, that was exciting. Now that we both are busy, seeing each other, do something together like coffee ,film ,'s special.

RM:When you get free time what do you both do ?

Nakuul: We both love food, and I love trying out new cuisine.

RM: Do you believe in karma ,soulmates and destiny?

Nakuul : Yes I do. It's funny actually. I read this book called Many Lies Many Masters and the I read another book by the same author. Love is real...And I totally bought the theory of karma. Back then when I saw my wife , I didn't know but had this strong feeling that said I would get married to to this girl.

RM: We're you sure that she would say yes ?

Nakuul : She didn't say yes, ..that's another story we should not get into ( laugh). girls should always believe in the fact they are attractive and desirable. ( laughs some more) so I was turned down the first time. But then I kept on trying as I knew she was my soulmate and I couldn't let it just go.

RM:Who do you think is more romantic? Men or Women?

Nakuul: It's depends from person to person. Women need to hear it more and men need to say it more .

RM: How does one know it's not lust but love ?

Nakuul: In the morning when you want to have breakfast together it's love, and when you want to leave its totally lust! ( laughs out loud )

14339576.cmsRM: Do you believe in falling in love completely or loosing yourself in love ?

Nakuul: It's a very poetic question. No answer at the moment , will have to think though ....

RM: What's the difference between being lonely and being single ?

Nakuul: you could be lonely in a relationship also,and being single is when you could date multiple girls. (laughs)

RM: Has your definition of love changed post marriage ?

Nakuul: Maybe to an extent.The responsibility factor increases.The care factor multiplies by many folds. But the essence is just the same .

RM: Do you remember what is the first thing you said to your wife ?

Nakuul: (thinks) infact I do. I had to think for a week for a good opening line ( laughs).We both were in Shamak Davar's class. She was in a much senior group than I was ..She was changing and I walked upto her and asked "Do you have a name ".. She gave me the most frozen look ever..

ce5a2336f98f398b81d3df463205d315RM: How important is it to say out your feelings ?

Nakuul: I think it's very import at to verbalise your feelings.

RM: Do you think unconditional love exists in this world ?

Nakuul: Yes.. Parents have it for their children...

RM :Would you give up on a relationship just because the horoscopes said so ?

Nakuul: Never!

RM:What do you think of love in the virtual world ?

Nakuul: it's lust !! ( bursts out laughing ) one goes by DP on Facebook but it s never the same in real.

RM:Do you think familiarity breeds contempt?

Nakuul: not in my case

RM: Would you sacrifice the thing you loved the most for the one you loved the most ?

Nakuul: tough!!..maybe ....

RM:What puts you off in a relationship?

Nakuul: dishonesty

RM:What are your priorities in a relationship?

Nakuul: The way we look at life should somehow match should be about the people in a relationship first and not things around us.

On that note we say bye to the actor who always warmly greets us has interesting things to say at all times! Hope you enjoyed reading this as much as we did conducting this interview session.

Edited by,

Navyanka Varma

(As told to Niharika Vidya Sagar & Swati Ghosh)


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