Will an Unethical Sales Message Make Sales? and Should You Use One?
Every week it feels like there is a brand new product launch? all pushed by affiliates and all claiming that you can make a fast/quick buck online.
Now, these types of product don?t really appeal to us, however one launch did catch my eye? not because of the product but the way the sales letter positioned it.
The sales letter took a stance that I have not seen in the Internet Marketing arena before although I have seen similar ones, but less hard hitting (!), in the life insurance arena.
In a nut shell the letter told a story of a lady who on the surface appeared to have the perfect life, great husband, lovely children and everything was going right for them.
In fact it was so good they decided to move house to a bigger better one? and that?s when it started to fall apart.
The sales letter told of how her perfect husband had been having an affair and how he moved out and left her with the children.
Sad, but she still had the house and children etc.
But here?s the kicker?the sales letter then said that her husband was killed in an accident and he didn?t have any life insurance?she was left with a mountain of bills and growing debt.
How would you feel reading a letter like that?
Think about it?it had drawn you in with a story and then hit you with a killer blow.
Carrying on with the sales letter, it detailed how she needed money fast and, of course, started an online business that generated her cash quickly (what else:-) and you could do the same thing.
I don?t know how you would react, but my first reaction was to think, hmm, that?s stooping a bit low.
I wasn?t enraged as some people have been but it didn?t leave me feeling good, in fact I had to take a reality check to get my mind back on track and the negative thoughts gone.
The letter had actually altered my state of mind.
Now, I do believe that if this letter was read by anyone who needed money quickly or was desperate to start an online business it would have succeeded in getting the sale.
However, even after taking a step back and looking at the sale letter objectively I just couldn?t bring myself to accept that I would ever use such a tactic so sell a product outside of the life assurance/funeral markets!
How about you?
Was the launch of the product successful?
I don?t know, however it was being pushed by the usual suspects in that field and I?m sure it did very well. Will it generate sales? most definitely!
Unethical? Depends on your conscience I guess?
Until next time,
PS. Want to make sales, lots of them, using ethical and hugely proven strategies? Check out ?The Copy and Profit Blueprint? system!
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