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Home Staging | Sell Home | The Curtain Exchange
Over the past month we have had a blast sharing the benefits of using The Curtain Exchange for all of your window treatment needs. We shared with you Reason #1, Reason #2, and today we will be sharing our last reason, Time to Sell? Time for staging!
For this final post, I again sat down with Kari Dickerson, the owner of The Curtain Exchange of Tampa, to find out not only why window treatments are a neccesity when staging a home, but also how The Curtain Exchange can assist in the process. #fistbump.
Me: What are the benefits of using window treatments in the home staging process?
Kari: Window treatments add another layer, a different texture and warmth to any room. They finish off the space by calling attention to or ?framing? the windows. This of course makes the room much more inviting! Have high ceilings?! Why not showcase them?
Image via Manner of Style
Me: What do you recommend to properly showcase the windows?
Kari: I would suggest high mounted curtains as close to the crown as possible. No need to spend a lot on hardware either. A simple yet attractive hardware selection will do perfectly! Also a vertical stripe or accent on the curtains can make the ceilings look even taller!
Me: Wow, so you are even good at magic?!
Kari: You know it?But in all seriousness, by applying a few ?tricks of the trade? like this one can really help you sell your home!
Me: Proof is in the pudding! Have you received good feedback from those that have used treatments for home staging? If so please share a testimonial.
Kari: I do and it?s from me! In my last home, I had a feeling that we wouldn?t be there long. Even so can you believe that I never had got around to putting window treatments up (crazy, I know!). One day we decided (on a whim) to put the house on the market, I hung simple cream silk panels coupled with iron hardware. The result?! We had a contract within two days!!! Wohoo?.
Me: Are individuals allowed to rent the treatments?
Kari: We do not rent our treatments, although we have been asked several times! We feel that we have options that are reasonably priced to meet all home staging needs. The great thing about curtains vs. top treatments, shades, etc, is that they can easily be moved from one home to another. Keep the length longer and most times they will work for staging another home. Stick with neutrals that don?t offend any potential buyers and they will be timeless. One thing to note is that The Curtain Exchange will always buy back their product on consignment to resell (given it?s still in good condition)!
Me: Do most individuals leave the treatments with the home or take them to their new pad?
Kari: No most people leave them behind. So be sure to have a price ready to negotiate with the buyer! Most homeowners don?t want to deal with dressing the windows as they feel it?s a VERY daunting task. I really feel that well dressed windows will give you the edge when selling your home!
Ready-Made from The Curtain Exchange
Me: Have any real estate professionals begun promoting this program? If so which ones?
Kari: Statistics state that 80% of Realtors recommend staging a home. This was even more true when the real estate market was in a better state. However, it seems that once home prices tumbled, sellers were not very interested in putting more money into a home. Not a great strategy, but seems to be the thought process nonetheless. With so much inventory on the market, it?s even more imperative to give a buyer the best impression possible.
Me: Any statistics on how a well stage home sells compared to one that is not?
Kari: Statistics gathered by shows that 94% of homes staged by an Accredited Staging Professional? sell in 29 days or less, compared to an average of 145 days for homes that are not.
Me: Anything else that you would like to add?
Kari: Yes, be sure to still enter the widow treatment giveaway that will be ending this Thursday the 29th at 3:00 pm. Good luck to all those that have entered!!
Written by: Eric Miller
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