Thursday, 29 September 2011

Talk ? Why Tim Hawes Fights MS ? MissPar

Tim fights MS

I almost missed an opportunity to help. I rarely look at the bottom of emails, usually they are confidentiality statements. I happened to look at Tim Hawes link at the bottom of his email: PLEASE HELP ME FIGHT MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS. I clicked on the link and was moved?really moved.

Not only did I donate, I wanted to feature Tim?s story? why he fights Multiple Sclerosis. I wanted to share his story?so we could help. Who is Tim Hawes? He is the SVP of Retail Licensing for the PGA Tour. He is family man, an avid golfer, a runner and a cyclist for a cause. A cause that is very personal for Tim.

MP: Tim, it astounds me with all of our technology in today?s world, that we cannot find a cure for deadly diseases that are taking the lives of our loved ones. One such disease is Multiple Sclerosis (MS), a chronic, often disabling disease that affects the central nervous system. What is it about MS that speaks to you, to make that extra effort? to get involved?

Tim: This will be my 7th year participating as both a rider and a fundraiser. My aunt is in the advanced stages of being afflicted with this disease and each year I ride both as a tribute to her and as someone dedicated to seeing a time when this disease is officially eradicated. Through efforts like the MS 150, that time will soon come.

MP: You have wholeheartedly jumped on board to do your part, joining TEAM PGA TOUR which encompasses 65 riders, each doing their part to raise monies for the North Florida Chapter of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. How many riders are there in total for this event?

Tim: This year, we expect over 2,500 riders to participate and to raise over $1.0 million in contributions.

MP: That is a significant figure that will certainly be put to good use. The ride is a challenging 150 mile ride from St. Augustine to Daytona {the first day} and cycling back to St. Augustine from Daytona the second day. The bike ride alone is impressive. Did you need to train extensively for this ride?

Tim: Most of the riders train pretty extensively for several months prior to the event. As a team, we hold a series of shorter training rides, ranging for 30-70 miles, for people in shape. The training rides help to build camaraderie among the participants and get us physically and emotionally ready for the big day(s).


MP: The ride is officially a 150 mile ride but some of the riders cycle 200 miles What?s the deal there?150 not challenging enough?

Tim: Riders have an optional 25 mile loop at the end of each day for those people who like to do a nice round 100. Doing what?s called a ?century? is kind of a badge of honor for cyclists?.a double century all the more so. I guess if you are going to have thighs that feel like blow torches and calves that are as tight as granite you might as well REALLY go for it?.LOL

MP: TEAM PGA TOUR has raised in donations, over $52,000! You alone have raised over $10,000 becoming a ?Top Banana? which refers to an elite bunch {no pun intended) that have raised over $1000. You went well above that mark? an amazing feat. What was your approach to generate such a strong support effort?

Tim: My approach to fund raising is very easy: (1) ask early, (2) ask often, and (3) don?t take ?no? for an answer. This cause is very personal to me and I don?t hesitate for one second to reach out to people who are blessed with health and financial resources to help those less fortunate.

MP: I was thrilled that I could contribute to this cause. To help create a world free of MS would be a dream come true. This type of an event and the success it has earned already, drives home the power of the collective human spirit. I can imagine the time that is required on your end to do your part as a Team Member. Do you participate in other events throughout the year, or is this your big outreach effort?

Tim: For me personally, this is my major fundraising focus. I start my fundraising activities about six months before the event and don?t take my foot off the gas until the last day.

MP: All the monies donated will go towards the North Florida Chapter of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. The event is this weekend (Oct. 1 and 2). Can we still donate up until the day of the event, or even after?

Tim: ABSOLUTELY?.donations will continue to be received until November 1, 2011 for this particular event.

MP: How can we help, in addition, to donating to TEAM PGA TOUR for this event, and for future events?

Tim: For those located in the vicinity of this event [St. Augustine to Daytona, FL}, we are always looking for volunteers. In addition to the 2,500 riders, it takes over 1,000 volunteers to make this events happen. If you are not in this area, the National MS Society is always looking for volunteers.

MP: It can take a considerable effort to volunteer one?s time for any cause. Tim?s Aunt is badly afflicted with MS, so Tim is going to bike for her and millions of others suffering from this incurable disease.

Let?s join him and help fight MS and help make Multiple Sclerosis a thing of the past!! Log on to this website and make a tax deductible donation today. Support TEAM PGA TOUR ?


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